The global civil engineering market is projected to reach US$ 12.8 trillion by 2025 growing at a CAGR of 5.67 percent. Primary factors attributed to this growth are increased disposable income, greater investment opportunities and the rapid growth of middle-income population group. Best global standards in civil engineering and customization of tested solutions in this field further contribute to growth in civil engineering and urban planning.
With the aim to provide knowledge based on current research and develop tools that help in building better communities worldwide, OLC International is organizing International Conference and Expo on Urban and Civil Engineering. The conference will be held from June 15-16, 2020 in Montreal, Canada. The conference's theme is New and Innovative Solutions for Urban and Civil Engineering to Defensible Natural Calamities.
This conference provides a forum for the international civil engineering community and presents original research on broad spectrum of civil engineering and all its related sub-topics. It further presents high quality papers and results of recent research while updating on ongoing research which guides aspirants in related fields in new direction. A modern approach in civil engineering and urban planning is important for today’s world and it is essential for finding new ways in different aspects of these fields.
This meeting provides a unique opportunity for academics and industry professionals to discuss different innovative approaches and recent discoveries in related domains of urban planning and civil engineering. As part of discussions, this conference will include real world cases, latest technological advances and trends that shape the future of our world.
It further enables scientists, researchers, industry professionals, members of associations and interested individuals to come together on a global stage and exchange latest scientific achievements and methods as a way to spark up great enhancements in all concerned disciplines. Inspirational and informative lectures, talks and presentations will be held throughout this event while discussing current challenges this industry is facing and suggest possible solutions. We hope this meeting will enhance your knowledge in the field while helping you build a new professional network.
We look forward to welcome you at Civil-Engineering-2020 in Montreal, Canada.