Global nanomedicine market is projected to reach US$ 350.8 billion by 2025 at a compound annual growth rate of 17.1 percent. Increasing demand for nano-technology based drugs and personalized medicine and the need to develop new therapies with fewer side effects – especially for diseases like cancer – are considered as major factors in nano-technology based molecular medicine. In addition nanotechnology based contrast reagents used for diagnosis and monitoring the effects of drugs on a short scale will fuel this industry in coming years.
Further research in this field will help in developing solutions and nanoformulations for controlling tumors in combination with other treatments. Offering a unique platform for highlighting research results in nano medicine, nano research, molecular medicine and engineering, OLC International is organizing International Conference and Exhibition on Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering – OLCNME-2020 – scheduled to be held during September 07-08, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada.
The conference will bring together scientists, engineers, physicians, research scholars, students, academic and business professionals in the area of Nano/Molecular Medicine and Engineering on a unique forum and highlights latest research results in nanotechnology, molecular medicine and engineering. It will host world-class researchers, high-profile plenary speakers, oral and poster presentations, sponsor exhibits, workshops and afterworks that promote knowledge exchange between the participants and proposes to share their research findings with a wide audience. It further contributes to help shape the future of nano medicine, molecular medicine and engineering by fostering new connections among the attendees.
The event will include high quality research contributions including keynote presentations, plenary sessions and introductory talks from eminent scholars in respective fields together with video and poster presentations, exhibition, workshops and special sessions aimed at highlighting emerging research in Nano Medicine and Engineering.
We look forward to seeing you at OLCNME-2020 in Vancouver, Canada.