Global nuclear medicine market is anticipated to reach a value of US$ 18.1 billion by 2025 with a compound annual growth rate of 10.1 percent. Technological advances in radiology and nuclear medicine coupled with the development of new imaging techniques are some of the factors influencing this growth. Research in these fields examines current status and future aspects of molecular imaging based diagnostics and treatment.
To provide an elaborative view of historic, present and future aspects of research in these fields, Outlook Conferences is organizing International Conference and Exhibition on Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging – OLCRNMI-2020 – scheduled to be held during September 07-08, 2020 in Vancouver, Canada. The conference is dedicated to bring together leading academic scientists, research scholars, students, policy makers, and professionals from academia and industry to focus on all aspects of ongoing research in radiology and nuclear medicine.
The main aim of this event is to promote information and advances in research relating to all areas of medical imaging relevant to radiology and clinical practice. It includes diverse scholarly events to be presented within the conference program which help in evaluating and implementing new research outcomes in nuclear medicine and imaging.
This nuclear imaging conference will include informative talks from eminent scientists and highly cited scholars, plenary sessions, keynote lectures, discussions, exhibits and workshops which help in knowledge sharing among the participants. Participants to this event will present and discuss most recent trends, innovations, specific concerns and practical challenges encountered and solutions adopted in Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging.
We hope this conference will help in evaluating and implementing latest technologies in nuclear medicine and imaging and will play a major role in effective treatment processes and in improving patient care.
We look forward to seeing you at OLCRNMI-2020 in Vancouver, Canada.