International Conference and Exhibition on
Forensic Science & Digital Forensic
August 13-14, 2020 | Venice, Italy

Registration Policies

**NOTE: Governmental issued credit and purchasing cards used for cross-border transactions may not be privileged by the issuing bank. Use of individual credit/debit cards may be the best assertion of your registration.
Online Registration:
Register online with a credit card by following the respective conference. Online registration is encouraged. We recommend using the latest version of Firefox or Chrome as your browser during the online registration process. The online registration system is also accessible using Internet Explorer. Purchase Order for registrations paid by check cannot be processed online. Please use the Mail form to register with a Purchase Order or check.
Offline Registration:
To register offline the participant/applicant contact respective conference secretary. The conference secretary will advice the process of offline registration procedure.
Confirmation Acknowledge:
After completing the transaction, the participant/applicant receives the confirmation receipt from the respective conference secretary in next two working days after receives the confirmation from the administrative department. Payment Not Received by the Conference Date: Payment must be made before receiving conference materials on-site. At onsite, use to pay by cash.
Cancellation Policies:
You are allowed to change the name on the registration without penalty at any time Prior 45 days to the conference. No further changes will be allowed after that.
Refund policy:
Refund requests must be made in writing or via email to the respective conference secretary.
Cancellation charges will be, 75% of the registration fee will be refunded prior 90 days to the conference, 50% of the registration fee will be refunded prior 45 days to the conference. No refunds will be granted between the duration of 45 days to the conference. If you are unable to attend, you may transfer your registration fee only to another individual by notifying the respective conference secretary.
Refunds will be made in the following ways:
Refunds will be made through PayPal exclusively after the conference. Please note: Refund fee will be made after the conference. All including transitional commission for cancellation refunds, must be covered by the participants/applicants.
Cancellation policy in the events of natural disasters/calamities:
Outlook Conferences reserves the right to make last minute changes without prior notice, should the need arise.
Conference organizers cannot accept refund requests from the conference delegates/attendees that result from cancelled flights and/or Natural disasters/Calamities/Terrorism Activity.
The Organizers reserve the right to cancel/postpone the conference in case of any natural disasters/calamities/Terrorism Activity. In this case, the Outlook Conferences will provide opportunity for the registered delegates/attendees to transfer their registration fee to any future/related Outlook Conferences conferences.
The organizers will not accept any liability for personal injuries or for loss or damage to property belonging to the delegates/attendees, either during, or after the conference.
Questions regarding queries reach at [email protected] 

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