With the global gynecological devices market projected to reach US$ 17.55 billion by 2026 with a CAGR of 8.8 percent, research and development in gynecology & obstetrics are anticipated to further propel the scope of practice in these fields. To address women-related problems and their solutions in different regions of the world, Outlook Conferences is organizing the "International Conference and Exhibition on Gynecology & Obstetrics" which is scheduled to be held during May 18-19, in Athens, Greece.
The conference will focus on the latest research in Gynecology and Obstetrics and includes oral talks, prompt keynote presentations, poster presentations and exhibitions from participants. This meeting will have specialists in these fields who present their research findings in concurrent sessions focusing on different interdisciplinary fields of gynecology and obstetrics.
Further, the event has been carefully designed to include researches currently going on in obstetrics and gynecology. Together with oral and paper presentations, this meeting includes different sessions, workshops, exhibitions and roundtable discussions centered around the topic and theme of the conference. It allows all participants including students, researchers, policymakers and industry professionals to meet with their peers from both industry and academia.
A vast array of sessions and topics focusing on these fields will be part of this symposium that will further educate participants on the latest research. The event will be attended by professionals in the field of gynecology and obstetrics including gynecologists, obstetricians, pathologists, midwives, nurses, veteran researchers and women healthcare professionals from academia & industry to make the conference more enriching and informative.
The conference offers a wonderful opportunity to reach the largest gathering of all participants from women’s healthcare associations. Further, it will allow participants to spread information about their ongoing research, conduct presentations, meet with upcoming and potential scientists, make a mark at the event by presenting innovations in different and concerning fields. We hope this conference will provide you outstanding learning experiences while you enjoy and appreciate the heritage destinations and wonderful landscapes of Athens.
We look forward to welcoming you to Gynecology-2020 in Athens.