Submission Guidelines

All abstracts must be submitted electronically as per our template, using our submission link. Please note that all submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Conference Committee.

  • Individuals may submit up to two regular abstracts as the first author.
  • You are allowed to be a co-author of more than one abstract.
  • The presenting author is required to ensure that all co-authors are aware of the content of the abstract before submission.
  • All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear English with accurate grammar and spelling of a quality suitable for publication.
  • All abstracts accepted for presentation will be published on the Conference website prior to the Conference.
  • Abstract should address scientific questions, contain primary scientific data.
  • Please note: Case reports are not accepted.
  • Length of Abstracts — Abstracts, including footnotes, must be 350 words or less. The program chairperson and the editors reserve the right to edit abstracts, if necessary, for clarity, grammar, style, and length. Keep footnotes to a minimum; if needed, they should pertain only to published works, such as journal articles, studies, etc. Do not reference unpublished materials or past presentations for which papers are not easily obtained.
  • Your abstract is not successfully submitted until you receive a confirmation e-mail after clicking the final submit button. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail, please contact us.
  • The presenting author of an abstract must register for the Congress.
Conflict Of Interest & Ethical Approval
  • Outlook Conferences is committed to ensuring the integrity of its scientific, educational, and research programmes. You will be asked to declare that you have received ethical approval for your study (if relevant), and you will be requested to confirm that you will declare any conflict of interests in your presentation at the congress.
Abstract Acceptance and Presentation
  • The Committee will review all submitted abstracts. Notification regarding abstract acceptance and scheduling including comments will be sent to the submitting author as early as possible and is responsible for informing all co-authors of the status of the abstract.
  • Please note: If your abstract is accepted for oral presentation, the presenting author will be permitted a maximum of 1 oral presentation in the program.
Abstract Reviewers:
  • Each proposal will be reviewed by at least one reviewer from different countries, wherever possible. Want to volunteer to review? Please email your name, institutional affiliation, and a brief summary of your areas of interest and your session of interest to

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