Brij M. Gandhi
Neo BioMed Services
Dr. Brij. M. Gandhi, M.Sc.(Biochemistry) and Ph.D.(Experimental Medicine, Norway) is presently CEO and founder of Neo BioMed Services (, providing services and consultancy in health areas and regulatory issues related to biopharmaceuticals, pharmaceuticals, including stem cell and regenerative medicine. As Adviser to the Government of India, Dr. Gandhi was involved in management, promotion and policy issues in biotechnology related to international collaborations, medical biotechnology including stem cells and regenerative medicine, infrastructure development, animals and aquaculture biotechnology, biosafety and biosecurity. Prior to that, he was Research Scientist at AIIMS, New Delhi working on the immunology of parasitic, bacterial and viral infections including amoebic diseases; hepatitis; liver diseases; IVD; food and nutritional health issues.
Dr. Gandhi was trained at MIT, USA; LSHTM, London, NIH, USA, Hvidovre Hospital, Copenhagen and University of Bergan, Norway. Dr. Gandhi continues to serve as Advisor / Director to a number of institutions/pharma and biopharma industries with an experience of about 50 years as a research scientist, science manager, adviser/consultant and having over 155 publications.
Amr Amin
UAE University
Amr Amin completed his PhD at the University of Illinois at Chicago and received a post-doctoral training in the field of molecular genetics at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He started his academic career at UAE University where he serves now as a Full Professor of Cell and Molecular Biology. Amr’s research focuses on ways to control cancer, particularly liver cancer. He published many research articles and reviews and serves as a regular reviewer and as an editorial member of many specialized peer-reviewed journals. He is also a member of many specialized societies and the sole recipient of many national and international scientific awards.
Sergey Suchkov
Medicine and Dentistry
Sergey Suchkov was born in the City of Astrakhan, Russia, in a family of dynasty medical doctors.
In 1980, graduated from Astrakhan State Medical University and was awarded with MD. In 1985, maintained his PhD as a PhD student of the I.M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy and Institute of Medical Enzymology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, Moscow, Russia. In 2001, finished the PostDoc Research Fellowship Program and maintained his Doctor Degree at the National Institute of Immunology, Russia.
From 1985 through 1987, worked at Inst of Med Enzymology, USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. From 1987 through 1989, was a senior Researcher, Koltzov Inst of Developmental Biology, USSR Academy of Sciences. From 1989 through 1995, was being a Head of the Lab of Clinical Immunology and Immunobiotechnology, Helmholtz Eye Research Inst in Moscow. From 1995 through 2004, was being a Chairman of the Dept for Clinical Immunology, Moscow Clinical Research Institute (MONIKI) and the Immunologist-in-Chief of the Moscow Regional Ministry of Health.
In 1993-1996, was an Executice Secretary-in-Chief of the Editorial Board, Biomedical Science, an international journal published jointly by the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Royal Society of Chemistry, UK.
Dr Suchkov is a Co-Supervisor over the Russian-American Agreement on scientific and clinical col-laboration in the field of ocular immunology between Russian Academy of Sciences and National Institutes of Health (NIH); in 1991-1995 – a member of The Reciprocal Exchange Fellowship Program between Russian Immunological Society and British Society for Immunology.
Dr Suchkov is a member of the Editorial Boards of many international journals including EPMA Journal (Springer, Brussels) and “Personalized Medicine Universe†(Elsevier, Japan).
Dr Sergey Suchkov, MD, PhD
Director, Center for Personalized Medicine and Professor, Department of Pathology, Sechenov Uni-versity, Chair, Department for Translational Medicine, Moscow Engineering Physical Institute (MEPhI).Abdelmonem Awad Mustafa Hegazy
Zagazig University
Dr. Abdelmonem A. Hegazy is currently working as Professor of Human Anatomy and Embryology Department in Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University (Egypt); as well as he is a Consultant of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility. He is the former chairman of the Anatomy and Embryology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Zagazig University (Egypt); and Professor in King Saud and Majmaah Universities (KSA) 2009-2013 and Misurata, Faculty of Medicine (Libya) 2000. He is the Editor-in-Chief of National and International Journals including Journal of Human Anatomy (USA); Zagazig University Medical Journal (ARE) & Women Health and Complications (UK). Dr. Hegazy is also a referee member of scientific research submitted for promotion of professors in Egyptian Universities. Dr. Hegazy participates in a Zagazig University academic, scientific, educational and professional development activities in the fields of medical sciences development, including basic and clinical research, policy implementation, design programs, set coursework plans, curricula, syllabi, scientific conference paneling, as well as designing and delivering a wide scope of continuous professional development programs, including training, strategic planning, research methodology, scientific thesis and dissertation writing; research proposal, medical ethics, organization’s behavior issues, all with emphasis on system and staff development. Dr. Hegazy is a member of Institutional Research Board (IRB) unit, Egyptian Medical Syndicate, Egyptian Society of Anatomy, and Postgraduate and Scientific Research Affairs Committee, Faculty of Medicine. His pool of academics consists of original research articles/books/book chapters in various national and international accredited publishing houses. Dr. Hegazy has plenty of scientific publications and projects with many citations. He has got many national and international honors and awards. Dr. Hegazy has been supervising post graduate students in their thesis works. Dr. Hegazy is the Executive Editor of the Zagazig University Medical Journal. He is also a well-known reviewer/referee/editorial board member in many national/international indexed journals.
Masahiro Onuma
Trisguide ltd
Masahiro Onuma has expertise in oxidative disease prevention to use non-medical product based on GSKs experience of allopurinol which has the strongest anti-oxidant efficacy in this world. He creates new indication of allopurinol for stomatitis induced by cancer treatment which was approved by the Japanese cancer treatment committee to propose new mechanism of allopurinol for anti-oxidant. And now, there are so many new research papers of allopurinol in the world.
Jonathan Schwartz
Medical Marvels
Jonathan Schwartz has over 30 years doing international business consulting for emerging medical technologies and has been focused on stem cell technologies and regenerative medicine for the past six years. He currently is the Managing Director of the Regenerative Cellular Institute in the United States and does business consulting for several companies globally, including, Mystem, Bioquark, WinCell, StemCells21, IntellihealthPlus, Al Mediq, Glo PRP, WeHealPlus, and Arpwave. He has previously worked in many capacities with Spacelabs Medical, GE Healthcare, Intellicell Biosciences, Coloplast, and Smith and Nephew. He has degrees from Queens College, Almeda University and NYU Medical School.
Joel Isaias Osorio Garcia
RegenerAge Clinic
Joel Isaias Osorio Garcia is a CEO and Founder of Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine at RegenerAge ( Vice President of International Clinical Development for Bioquark, Inc. ( and Founder and president for the Dr. Jois A.C initiative ( Advance Fellow by the American Board of Anti-Aging and Regenerative Medicine (A4M), Visiting Scholar at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (Dermatology). Fellow in Stem Cell Medicine by the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and University of South Florida.
Alexander Birbrair
Federal University
Dr. Alexander Birbrair is now working as a professor at Department of Pathology, Federal University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. He has the membership in American Heart Association, Western NC Chapter of the Society for Neuroscience and International Society for Stem Cell Research. He has more than thirty three peer reviewed papers and others are on pipeline.
Minic Ivan
University of Nis, Serbia
Dr Ivan Minic is a PHD of Department of Oral Medicine and Periodontology, Medical faculty, University of Nis, Serbia in Balkans in Europe. He has comleted Medical faculty, department of Dentistry. He graduated postgraduate studies, section dental science. Author of 18 science works in international high-ranking journals, member of editorial board of 28 journals and reviewer in 15 foreign journals. He is currently a researcher in the project called “Development of Periodontal Health Related Quality of the Scale“. Active research group, India. MBA (Hons.), MEARMA (Brussels), MARMA (UK), APS, Lucknow, India, Ethical Issues Group, European Association of Research, Managers & Administrators (Brussels).
Adrian Nicolae Branga
Lucian Blaga University
Dr Adrian Nicolae Branga received his Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics at Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca in February 2003. His current research concerns are Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Modelling, Computational Algorithms, Dynamical systems, Statistical Computation and Applications, Data Mining, Databases, Information Technology. He is currently Associated Professor at Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Romania. Between 2002 and 2010 he worked in the Software Industry as a Programmer Analyst at AMN Systems Ro, with the following technologies: C++, C#, ASP, PHP, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL, CSS, JQuery, XML. Dr Branga worked on several research projects during his career. He wrote 8 books / monographs and published 18 scientific articles in journals indexed in Thomson Reuters Web of Science or other international databases and 6 papers in proceedings of international conferences. He was a member in the scientific and organizing committees of 16 international conferences and invited speaker / participant (with scientific papers) at 45 international conferences and research seminars. Dr Branga is a member of the Research Center in Mathematics and Applications within Lucian Blaga University. He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal General Mathematics between 2010 and 2014.
Said Elshahat Abdallah
Kafrelsheikh University
Prof. Dr. Said Elshahat Abdallah is working as Professor of Agricultural Process Engineering, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Kafrelsheikh University, Egypt. He was born on January 6, 1972. He obtainedhis Ph. D. degree in Technical Sciences in November 2005 from the Faculty of Design, Don State Technical University, Russia. He prepared many scientific literatures such as Engineering of Food Factories and Dairy Plants, Engineering. Thermodynamics and Heat Transfer, introduction to agricultural process engineering, Instrumentation, Properties and Testing of Engineering Materials, Fitting of Curves and Differential Equations and Differentiation and Integration, etc. He published more than thirty research articles in international peer reviewed journals. He supervised, has done and examined about twenty M. Sc. and Ph. D. dissertations. He participated in several either local or international conferences on the topics of Agricultural Process Engineering. He contributed in the attendance of many meetings, workshops and training courses. He was awarded: Food Engineer of the Year Award – 2010; Excellence Award in International Scientific Publication – 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018; Arab Papers Published on Agriculture – 2012; Egypt 25 Foundation Award – 2012; Who's Who in the World – 2013, 2014 and 2015; 2000 Outstanding Intellectuals of the 21st Century – 2013; Top 100 Engineers– 2013; International Biographical Center Man of The Year– 2013; Cambridge Certificate for Outstanding Engineering Achievement – 2013 and Cambridge Certificate for Outstanding EducationalAchievement – 2013. He served as: Editor-in-Chief; Associate Editor; Editorial Board Member; Food Expert; Reviewer, etc… in more than five hundred international peer-reviewed journals.
M. Balasubramanyam
Madras Diabetes Research Chennai
Dr. M. Balasubramanyam, PhD is at present Dean of Research Studies & Senior Scientist at the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation, Chennai. He obtained his PhD degree in 1987 from Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati. During 1991 to 1995, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Scientist at the Hypertension Research Center of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ), Newark, USA on “Cell signaling & Molecular medicine aspects with special reference to diabetes’. During 1996- 99, he served as a faculty at the Center for Biotechnology, Anna University, Chennai. He joined the Madras Diabetes Research Foundation in 1999 and instrumental in many of its academic developments including infrastructure for basic science and translational studies.
Kenji Suzuki
Illinois Institute of Technology
Kenji Suzuki, Ph.D. (by Published Work; Nagoya University) worked at Hitachi Medical Corporation, Japan, Aichi Prefectural University, Japan, as a faculty member. He joined Department of Radiology, University of Chicago, in 2001, and he was Assistant Professor in the department and Graduate Program in Medical Physics. Since 2014, he has joined Department of Electric and Computer Engineering and Medical Imaging Research Center, Illinois Institute of Technology, as Associate Professor (Tenured). Since 2017, he has been jointly appointed in World Research Hub Initiative at Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, as Full Professor (Specially Appointed). He published more than 320 papers (including 110 peer-reviewed papers in leading journals) in the fields of machine and deep learning, computer-aided diagnosis, and medical image processing and analysis. He invented and has been actively studying a machine-learning framework that learns images directly, now people call a similar machine learning technique deep learning, in the past 20 years. Recently, people call it deep learning. His papers were cited more than 12,000 times by other researchers. He has an h-index of 45. He is one of the top four most cited researchers in the computer-aided diagnosis field by Google Scholar. He is inventor on 30 patents (including 13 granted patents), which were licensed to several companies and commercialized. He published 11 books and 22 book chapters, and edited 13 journal special issues. He was awarded/co-awarded more than 25 grants as PI including NIH R01 and ACS. He served as the Editor of a number of leading international journals, including Pattern Recognition and Medical Physics. He served as a referee for 91 international journals such as Science Translation Medicine (IF: 16.8), an organizer of 62 international conferences, and a program committee member of 170 international conferences. He gave more than 110 invited talks and keynote speeches at international conferences and universities. His research was covered in 46 articles in international newspapers, magazines and journals by press and media. He received 26 awards, including 3 RSNA Certificate of Merit Awards, IEEE Outstanding Member Award, Cancer Research Foundation Young Investigator Award, Kurt Rossmann Award for Excellence in Teaching from Univ of Chicago, IEICE 2014 Best Journal Paper Award, Springer-Nature EANM Most Cited Journal Paper Award 2016, and Marquis Who’s Who 2017 Albert Nelson Marquis Lifetime Achievement Award.
D.K. Dhawan
Panjab University
Prof. D. K. Dhawan is presently working as a Professor in the department of Biophysics and has previously worked as chairman department of Biophysics, Coordinator of Centre for Nuclear Medicine as well as Centre for Medical Physics at Panjab University, Chandigarh, India. Professor Dhawan did his Ph.D. from Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India in the year 1984. Prior to his Ph.D., he worked in Radiation Medicine Centre of Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai, India, and was awarded Post Graduate Diploma in Medical Radioisotopes Techniques. His research areas are radiation medicine, cancer and neurodegeneration. He has published 201 research articles and 162 are listed in Scopus during 33 years of his research career. Prof. Dhawan has supervised 39 Ph.D. and 46 Master’s theses of students. He has completed 17 research projects funded by various scientific organizations. Prof. Dhawan is a Fellow of Union for International Cancer Control, Indian College of Nuclear Medicine and Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists. Recently, he was given Oration award by Indian Association of Biomedical Scientists at its 38th Annual conference held at Chennai.
Beddiaf Zaidi
University of Batna
Dr Beddiaf Zaidi is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physics at the University of Batna 1, Algeria. He obtained his doctorate in Physics from the University of Annaba, Algeria, in 2014. He has published a number of research papers in reputed journals and has written one book on solar cells. He has acted as an Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Materials Science and Applications (IJMSA), and is a reviewer for various journals. He has participated at many international conferences, including as a referee and committee member, and is an editorial board member for numerous journals and Lead Guest Editor of many special issues.
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