Eating disorders and metabolism
Role of steroids and harmones in obesity
Balanced diet and chronic diseases
Obesity surgical and non surgical treatment
Obesity and cardiac health
Obesity and high protien diet
Dietery components and immune functions
Prevention and management of obesity
Update on vitamins and dietery components
Obesity and weight loss management
Diet: health span and agieng
Effect of obesity on womens health
Bioenergitics and dietery intervensions
Nutrition and brain health
Dietary phytochemicals and preventions
Obesity and pyschiatric disorder
Impact of steroids and harmones
Malnutrition or nutritional defeciency
Obesity and cardiovascular dieseases
Risk factors associated with obesity
Ayurveda and naturopathic medicines
Yoga councelling and physical therapy
Food quality and nutrition
Dietary supplements and neutraceticals
Diet and gastrointestinal health
Vaccienes-based approaches for treating obesity
Vitamins therapies of chronic diseases
Imbalance diet: effects and causes
Dietary components and immune functions
Effect of obesity on pregnancy
Causes of cancer due to Obesity
obesity and Endocrinology
obesity-Bariatric surgery
Gynecology and Obstetrics